Warhammer Quest, Skaven sign!

After the reaction to the first Warhammer Quest Skaven Objective room, I figure I might be onto something! For the first reveal, here is the Warpmasters Lab objective room: encounter a warp crazed rodent with weapons of unusual size! Dodge his fire as you disconnect the power or even, lower its output by sabotaging warp-pipes on your way there!

I’ve not charged down too much Warhammer Skaven warren theme, hidden in the far east under-realms – I will admit, its quite a lot of work to develop a more earthen theme. For the moment, I have settled on the concept of our heroes (victims) delving deeper into the sewers beneath an Empire city, from an objective room entrance (in pursuit of scurrying skaven) you are led deeper into an as yet undiscovered facility deep below the city itself!

There is even a subtle green shift of colour as you go deeper into the warp stuff saturated rooms. (Should you follow the Warpmaster quest chain). On that note I’ve toned back the green saturation and injected Skaven kind onto long bereft Empire sewers.

From disconnecting warp gas lines to stealing warp widget plans, bombing a sewer junction of gutter runner ‘tunnels’ or countering a mad Skaven Warpmaster and his supercharged warp-flamethrower! Plenty of new encounters to consider as you use a unique elevator system to delve even deeper into the dark below.

I look forward to releasing this dungeon set and as ever, thank you for encouraging my composition work!



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